
domingo, marzo 05, 2023

Miles Davis: Kind of Blues


Este álbum es toda una excepción y un caso extraño dentro del ámbito musical, esto es debido al consenso que existe sobre él. No sólo es considerado, de forma unánime por todos los sectores, como una obra maestra, también ha sido récord de ventas y por si esto fuera poco, además es la puerta de entrada de mucha gente al mundo del Jazz.
"I think for the dilettante Kind of Blue is a lifestyle recording," says Bob Belden, composer, saxophonist, pianist and producer of over 200 CD reissues of Miles Davis’ recorded music, and three times Grammy winner for his work on the Columbia/Legacy Miles Davis boxed set series. "The music is a sound you can ‘use’ as a background to your life, much in the way Frank Zappa described music for a certain type of listener. I’ve heard the recording at least a thousand times, so it’s more of a ‘brain juke box’ top-10 hit for me and I’m sure many others."
Cita Vía: Jazzwise

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