
lunes, julio 20, 2020

Aubrey Beardsley (1872–1898)

Russell & Sons (Photographers)
Retrato de Aubrey Beardsley c.1893

Aubrey Beardsley (1872–1898) con su obra exploró los límites de lo tolerable en su época, sorprendió y deleitó, a partes iguales, al Londres victoriano que vivía sus últimos momentos. Sus sinuosos dibujos, la mayoría en blanco y negro, exploraban lo erótico y lo elegante, lo humorístico y lo grotesco, ganando admiradores y detractores por todo el mundo. Una intensa y prolífica carrera como dibujante e ilustrador, interrumpida por su prematura muerte por tuberculosis a los 25 años. Beardsley contrajo tuberculosis con tan solo 7 años. No había cura, por lo que sabía que su vida sería breve, por tanto no perdió el tiempo produciendo cientos de ilustraciones para libros, revistas y obras de teatro, inspiradas por una gran variedad de influencias, desde jarrones griegos antiguos hasta literatura erótica francesa o ilustraciones japonesas.

Aubrey Beardsley
Tannhäuser, 1891
National Gallery of Art, Washington

Aubrey Beardsley
The Litany of Mary Magdalen, 1891
The Art Institute of Chicago

Aubrey Beardsley
Withered Spring, 1891
National Gallery of Art, Washington

Aubrey Beardsley
Die Götterdämmerung, 1892
Aubrey Beardsley Collection, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections
Princeton University Library

Aubrey Beardsley
Incipit Vita Nova, 1892
Linda Gertner Zatlin

Aubrey Beardsley
Professor Fred Brown, 1892
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Self-portrait, 1892
British Museum

Aubrey Beardsley
The Achieving of the Sangreal, 1892
Colección Privada

Aubrey Beardsley
J’ai baisé ta bouche Iokanaan, 1892-93
Aubrey Beardsley Collection, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections
Princeton University Library

Aubrey Beardsley
Siegfried, Act II 1892-93
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Design for a Frontispiece to Virgilius the Sorcerer, 1893
The Art Institute of Chicago

Aubrey Beardsley
Enter Herodias, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
How King Arthur saw the Questing Beast, and thereof had great marvel, 1893
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
How La Beale Isoud Nursed Sir Tristram, 1893
Harvard Art Museums

Aubrey Beardsley
How la Beale Isoud Wrote to Sir Tristram, 1893
Alessandra and Simon Wilson

Aubrey Beardsley
How Morgan Le Fay Gave a Shield to Sir Tristram, 1893
The Syndics of the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge

Aubrey Beardsley
How Sir Tristram Drank of the Love Drink, 1893
Harvard Art Museums

Aubrey Beardsley
John and Salome, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Black Cape, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Climax, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Un dato importante de la vida de Aubrey Beardsley  es que cuando Oscar Wilde fue juzgado por su sexualidad, la reputación de Beardsley también sufrió. No hay evidencias de su posible homosexualidad, pero había ilustrado la obra Salomé de Oscar Wilde, y era miembro del círculo social del escritor. Como consecuencia, perdió su trabajo como editor de The Yellow Book, una atrevida revista trimestral de moda.

Aubrey Beardsley
The Dancer’s Reward, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Eyes of Herod, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Kiss of Judas, 1893
Victoria and Albert Museum

Aubrey Beardsley
The Peacock Skirt, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Stomach Dance, 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Toilette of Salome (second version), 1893
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
Caprice, 1894
TateGallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Cover Design for The Yellow Book Vol.I, 1894
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Design for the Frontispiece to John Davidson’s Plays
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
La Dame aux Camélias, 1894
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Masked Woman with a White Mouse, 1894
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Fat Woman, 1894
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Slippers of Cinderella, 1894
Mark Samuels Lasner Collection, University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press

Aubrey Beardsley
The Yellow Book, Volume I, 1894
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Black Cat,1894-95
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley 
Black Coffee, 1895 
Harvard Art Museums / Fogg Museum, Bequest of Scofield Thayer

Aubrey Beardsley
Frontispiece to Chopin’s Third Ballade, 1895
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Messalina and her Companion, 1895
Tate Gallery, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Mirror of Love, 1895
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Title page to The Story of Venus and Tannhäuser, 1895
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Venus between Terminal Gods, 1895
Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery (The Higgins Bedford)

La personalidad carismática y enigmática de Beardsley jugó un papel fundamental en el fenómeno que él y su arte generaron y acabarían convirtiéndole en un personaje tan imprescindible en la historia del arte como icónico.

Aubrey Beardsley
Ave Atque Vale, 1896
Colección Privada

Aubrey Beardsley
Cinesias Entreating Myrrhina to Coition, 1896
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Lysistrata Shielding her Coynte,1896
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Baron’s Prayer, 1896
Harvard Art Museums-Fogg Museum, Bequest of Scofield Thayer

Aubrey Beardsley
The Battle of the Beaux and the Belles, 1896
The Henry Barber Trust, the Barber Institute of Fine Art

Aubrey Beardsley
The Cave of Spleen, 1896
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. William Sturgis Bigelow Collection

Aubrey Beardsley
The Dream, 1896
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Aubrey Beardsley
The Examination of the Herald, 1896
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Lacedaemonian Ambassadors, 1896
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Rape of the Lock, 1896
Colección Privada

Aubrey Beardsley
The Savoy, Number 1, 1896
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
The Savoy, Number 2, 1896
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
Third Tableau of Das Rheingold, 1896
Lent by Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence

Aubrey Beardsley
Two Athenian Women in Distress, 1896
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Impatient Adulterer, 1896-97
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
Alí Baba, 1897
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

Aubrey Beardsley
The Lady with the Rose, 1897
Harvard Art Museums-Fogg Museum, Bequest of Scofield Thayer

Aubrey Beardsley 
Volpone Adoring his Treasure, 1898
Aubrey Beardsley Collection, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections
Princeton University Library

Aubrey Beardsley
Mademoiselle de Maupin, 1898
Stephen Calloway

Aubrey Beardsley
Isolde, 1899
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres

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